Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How's it going? I deleted all my old posts.

Including my attempt at a crochet pattern that I linked onto one of my DeviantArt posts.

Why? I felt like I needed a new start. 

Since my summer break has started, I have been thinking about writing. I took a poetry writing class about a year ago. Also, I have just finished a fiction writing class this semester. I love both writing stories and poetry  when I was in the class but I'm not as motivated to write either poetry or stories unless I have someone or something to write for. I think the reason for that is because (as my teacher always said), writers write to share with others and not just for themselves. So I sat around thinking of ways I could perhaps motivate myself to write poetry and some short stories. Then I remembered that I had an account at Blogger. Which got me to thinking, "Hey, maybe I can post stories and poems onto there!" 

So to my Blogger I went.When I logged in, I noticed that I haven't touched the bloomin' thing in like two years. That's a long time! Looking over my old posts, something just felt off. Not sure why. Perhaps it was because it didn't seem to have any reason other than to get ideas out or because it didn't match my new ideas for my blog. Either way, I felt the need to delete those posts for good. So I did. Then I realized that I didn't want people to think I was a RED Engineer. Don't get me wrong, I love the Engineer. But for some odd reason, I felt like I didn't want him to pose as me. Thus instead of having a smiling Engineer, I have a nice little blank spot on my profile (until I get a good picture of lil' ol' me). The only things that have been left intact are my profile information, the blog title, and that cool koi fish thing on the bottom of the page. Now I feel that I am able to start my new blog.

Does this mean I won't blog about my life at all? Not really. I might blog a little just to change it up a little and so that you people will know a little about the person behind these creative writings. My life isn't the goal of my blog though. It's to get myself to work on my poetry and story writing skills so they don't go stale! Also it's so I feel like I have something important to do over this summer break. So it's important that I get my works onto this blogger before my life.

I'll figure out the details about when I post stuff later. So far I'm thinking of maybe one a week posting a poem and a short story every other week. Not sure. I'll figure that stuff out then discuss it on a new post. I want to play Dungeon Defenders now. So I'll hopefully I'll stay more commented this time and post again soon.

Until next time, my friends.